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Audiobooks for the Whole Family

There's no time like the summertime to pack the family into the car and hit the road!  Family road trips bring with them the opportunity to create memories and bring families closer together.  Bonding can come in many forms, and listening to stories while on the road can be the perfect act...

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Happy National Library Week

It’s National Library Week everyone! Just like any other celebration, we’re sure this one could've snuck up on you. No worries. This one is easy to celebrate, just visit your local library! We love connecting with you all, and that makes it perfect that this year’s theme is Connecting With You...

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Talk Builds Babies Brains - Learn how with LENA Start!

Do you talk to your baby? You probably do, even if they don't understand every word, but did you know how important early talk is to your child's brain development? A baby's brain develops rapidly between the ages of birth to age 3, building more than one million neural connections per second! In...

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Watch and Learn with Kanopy Kids

Looking for something new to watch this weekend? Grab your library card and check out our newest streaming service, Kanopy! In addition to all the great content available for adults, families can enjoy unlimited to access to Kanopy Kids, with hours of curated content for children ages 2-8. Kanopy...

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Michigan Notable Books 2022

Every year a selection committee facilitated by the Library of Michigan comes together and pores over 100s of books that were published the previous year. Fiction, non-fiction, as well as children's and teen titles are all eligible for consideration as long as they meet the criteria: books must be w...

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Build Babies' Brains with LENA Start!

You are your child's first teacher! Children's librarians use storytimes to give caregivers ideas of how to read, sing, and play with your child. You probably spend a lot of your day talking to your child, but did you know it's important to talk WITH them, too?  Even before your child i...

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The Write Stuff

As November begins, so does the annual tradition of NaNoWriMo. If you have never heard of it, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The organization behind it encourages writers to write 50,000 words in 30 days. The goal is to get pen to paper--even if the words aren’t perfect. If you a...

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Monthly Challenges on Beanstack

Hey readers. Are you looking for some inspiration for your next read? We have been changing a few things up here, including our Beanstack challenges. We retired our Read Woke Challenge, and are now bringing you new monthly themes to stretch your reading muscles. In the month of September, we a...

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Staff Picks: Our Favorite Children's Books

Recently we surveyed our staff members across branches and departments to hear about their favorite children’s and teen books. Whether we read them in our own childhoods, or love to share them with today’s children, please enjoy some favorites from the BCLS staff! 
Picture Books...

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