History Hounds

History HoundsĀ® Lecture Series

History Hounds logo
Presented on ZOOM by the Historical Society of Michigan
  • History Hounds is FREE to BCLS patrons because we are an HSM member organization (saving you a $7 per lecture fee)!
  • Each lecture and Q&A usually lasts about an hour.
  • Registration for each lecture closes at 3 p.m. Eastern Time the day BEFORE the scheduled talk.
  • If you can watch and listen to a video on YouTube or Facebook, you have all the technology you need to join remotely.*
How to Register for a Program
    • The list of upcoming lectures with dates and descriptions is at the bottom of the page.
  2. Select the button that says "member" to open the registration form.
  3. On the registration form:
    • Select "A member of an Organizational Member of HSM"
    • Type Bay County Library System in the box labeled "Historical Organization you are a member of".
    • Select attending through remote access
    • Fill in your information
    • Click the box(es) next to the lecture(s) you want to attend.
    • Click "Submit" when you are done

*Instructions on how to remote-in to the lecture will be sent to attendees several days before each program.