With the holiday shopping season soon to be upon us (if it isn’t already), we all want to purchase the best quality items and get the most for our buying dollars. To help with this, BCLS offers all our library card holders free digital access to Consumer Reports online subscription database.

Consumer Reports’ motto is “Ad-free. Influence-free. Powered by Consumers.”

Each year they test, rate, and review over 8,500 products and services. Whether you’re looking at blenders, laptops, snow blowers, or even a new car, Consumer Reports has you covered.

Just like their magazine, the Consumer Reports online database provides you with their familiar Ratings/Reliability chart so you can smartly choose the best recommended model in that product category.

In addition it includes their useful buying guide that gives consumers tips and things to consider when you’re shopping. Videos are also included with tips to help you get better use of the products you buy.

The BCLS-provided Consumer Reports subscription database can be accessed at our website under the Research tab. Just click “Databases A-Z”.

I hope you’ll agree that this is just another way the Bay County Library System provides great value for our library community.

Happy Shopping!


Published by on October 16, 2021
Last Modified July 16, 2024