Teens in Michigan are invited to participate in MiLibraryQuest: Treasures of the Deep this summer.
Pirates, shipwrecks, and monsters have inhabited our oceans for millennia. MiLibraryQuest: Treasures of the Deep will challenge teens to complete an ocean-themed crossword puzzle by finding clues on the websites of Michigan libraries. Answers to the puzzle will include famous pirates, real shipwrecks, and mythological monsters.
The Quest begins on June 15. Teens who solve the puzzle by July 31 can enter for a chance to win a prize from their library.
Learn more about the Quest and get started https://milibraryquest.wixsite.com/quest1/current-quest.
And don't forget to check out our Teen page for your first clue.
#MiSummerQuest2022 #MiLibraryQuest